5 Winter Necessities for You and Your Shop

Brrrr! It’s cold out there! Make sure you (and your shop!) have the basic necessities for the cold winter months:

  1. Some blazin’ hot coffee, tea, or hot chocolate with marshmallows! And a box of fresh donuts. This keeps your internal fuel tank filled and energy going strong!
  2. The Pack Accelerated Charger (PAC)™. Fully charged batteries perform well in cold weather, and the PAC helps technicians keep batteries at a high state of charge. Check out the video above for more information.
  3. A comfortable pair of gloves. Keep those fingers warm!
  4. The Capacitor Actuated Portable Starter (CAPS)™. Cold motors require more energy to start. Jumpstarting with the CAPS gets vehicles back on the road quickly and efficiently.
  5. Thermal underwear. Enough said.

Stay warm out there! Leave us a comment about what you’re doing to stay warm this winter.

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